Top 9 Questions About Transferring to Online School

5 min to read

面对面的公立学校并不总是最适合每个学生. If you need more flexibility in when and where classes are held; want a variety of learning experiences not easily found in brick-and-mortar schools; or need to personalize your level of academic support, online school could be the answer. 


1. 你能在学期中或年中转学到网络学校吗?

在大多数情况下,学生可以在学年的任何时候开始在线学习. However, the best time to change schools is at the semester break 因为你可能已经完成了特定科目或技能的里程碑,并准备开始新的. 

If you need to switch to an online school mid-semester, 你的新学校的招生专家和指导顾问会尽他们所能提供帮助 make the transition a smooth one

2. Will I be able to take the exact same classes I’m in now?

课程选择因学校而异,特别是在选修课程方面. 在你注册之前,最好和你的新在线学校的辅导员谈谈任何与课程相关的问题.

所有连接学院支持的学校都提供课程,以确保学生能够 meet state graduation requirements.

3. Will I have to make up all my overdue lessons?

In many cases, 你以前学校的成绩可以转到网上学校, 或者你经常有机会证明自己的精通程度,而不是把过去的功课都补上. Policies differ by school. 请务必向招生人员询问化妆政策 enrollment process.


4. 如果我的学分落后了,有没有可能建立一个在线学校时间表来赶上呢?

Many online schools have credit recovery programs that can help you make up credits you missed. 一般来说,每学期你可以选修的课程数量是有限制的, 但有时课程恢复计划可以在夏季进行. 

5. Do I have to be in class every day?

在被认可的在线公立学校——比如连接学院学校——你必须这样做 meet state attendance requirements just as you would in the traditional setting, 这意味着你要跟踪学习教练认证的出勤时间. 

当你有自由设定你的日常课程时间表时,你可以选择适合你的时间, 重要的是,每天至少完成最低数量的课程,以考虑出勤.

6. 如果一个老师不适合我,我可以换到另一个老师的课吗?

如果你觉得一个老师不适合你,第一步是辞职 have a conversation with them or a counselor about what’s not working whenever possible. 根据科目和其他教师的情况,有时可以进行转换.  

7. 在注册了一所新的在线学校后,我还能参加以前学校的运动队吗?

许多州允许学生参加课外活动,如他们居住地区的运动队,无论他们是否在学校注册. 然而,一些学校限制在线学校学生的参与. 向你以前的学校或学区了解更多推荐正规买球平台他们的政策.

8. Can online school help me if I need special accommodations?

Students with learning differences or special needs 经常在网上学校找到他们需要的支持和帮助,其中包括 students who are neurodivergent有身体残疾或有精神健康问题. 

Online public schools offer a safe and inclusive environment for all students 学习. 就像传统的实体学校一样,在线学校也必须效仿 Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)和 Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) guidelines that guarantee reasonable accommodations, learning supports, and specialized services. 

9. How do I transfer from public school to online school?


  • 研究 online public-school options that are available in your state. 要获得高中文凭,在线学校必须满足你所在州的课程要求. Learn as much as you can about the options available to you.  
  • Think about the realities of online school. 有一个值得信赖的成年人可以作为你的学习教练吗? Can you create a productive learning environment? 在转换之前,仔细考虑一下在线学习需要什么. 
  • Get buy-in from your parents or legal guardians. 准备好向他们解释你为什么想换工作,以及你认为从长远来看这对你有什么好处. Also discuss how online school can benefit them. 也许他们会更多地参与到你的学习中,或者因为你在一个安全的学习环境中而感觉良好. 

你需要满足在线学校的入学要求才能注册. Requirements will differ but in general you and your parents will need to:

  • Show acceptable proof of age and state residency. 
  • 提供你所就读的公立学校的正式成绩单.
  • Complete all required forms. 
  • Unenroll from your current school. 

如果你有兴趣了解更多推荐正规买球平台连接学院公立学校的信息, check out our answers to frequently asked questions or download our free eGuide.


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